Oneway 1236SD Lathe (*Custom Order)
- Spindle Height: Adjustable
- Power Input: 1HP (110V OR 220V)
- Length x Width: 60" x 28"
- Weight: Approximately 500 lbs.
- 12" swing over the bed (9" swing over Banjo)
- 36" between centers
- Spindle is hardened and ground
- 1" - 8 TPI RH spindle thread (inboard)
- 7/16" thru hole (in spindle)
- 24 position indexing
- 2 step pulley (0 - 2000 / 0 - 4000rpm)
- #2 Morse Taper in headstock & tailstock Forward & Reverse with two pre-programmed accel/ decel settings
- 1HP AC variable speed inverter (drive) with dynamic braking (runs on 110 V or 220 V)
- 1HP Marathon Motor
- Multi position Control Box
- High Performance Powder Paint on Stand & Lathe
- Cast Iron Tailstock with Acme thread & 3" quill travel
- Patented clamping mechanism in Banjo
- #2 MT Safe Driver
- #2 MT Live Center (with cones)
- Knock-out Rod
- 3 Faceplate
- 9 Stainless Steel Toolrest
- 6 Ductile Steel Toolrest
- Leveling Pad
- Spindle Lock Wrench
■ Remote Start / Stop
■ RFI Filter
■ 1236SD Wheel Set
For a quote, please email us at orders@cascadiacanada.com or call us at 250-331-9392